I have put myself in a rather piquant situation – and I am now waiting for the day that I will tide over the situation. Well, it is just about a day off for rest!
The workweek from Monday to Friday is something normal that I am used to – even the long hours not so frequently. That is not a problem. The issue is the weekends. I have joined a course that costs me a bomb – but a very good one at that; one that will be a value addition given my language and writing skills in English. I am putting my modesty on the line in claiming to be slightly better than average in my English writing.
It is this course – on weekends from 0930 to 1800 hrs that is putting all the pressure on me. No weekends – even a class missed is about a grand down the drain. I am determined to make these few weeks of classes count; thankfully there are, as of today, two less weekends to handle.
At the end of it all, I am not sure I will be one of the greatest writers English has ever found. I am not sure I will be one of the greatest English communicators that an IT company ever found. I am not sure this course, which I paid king’s ransom for completing, will pay me back handsomely as a money-spinner. I am sure, though, about one thing. I will take a Friday off, make it a three day weekend, and let my hair down the way only I can – a rail trip!
So, members of IRFCA, keep your eyes and ears open. You might just find a chance to be on the same train as the not so greatest English communicator!